Have you been struggling to lose weight? If so, you are certainly not alone! There are millions of people out there who want to lose weight and cannot seem to figure out how to do it. The best way to overcome your weight loss struggles is by being patient and realistic about your goals. In this article, we will discuss some ways that can help you get past your struggle and finally see results!
1) Set a schedule
Remember that you can’t will yourself into doing something you don’t enjoy. If you haven’t been able to stick with an exercise routine, there might be another reason: You haven’t set a schedule for it. Schedule your workouts like you would any other activity and see how much easier it is to work out on a regular basis. Make sure that you include rest days in your schedule, too—your body needs them! To lose weight safely but quickly, start by scheduling three or four weekly exercise sessions.
2) Buy yourself new workout clothes
Remind yourself that your hard work will pay off. Maybe you’re worried about what other people think about your weight-loss goals. Once you’ve bought those workout clothes, don’t worry about anyone else—just focus on how good it feels to look and feel great. Remind yourself how far you’ve come and how far you still want to go! Getting into a habit of being active is going to pay off big in health benefits later on in life, but feeling good now is also a great motivator.
3) Consider hiring a personal trainer
If you’re struggling with weight loss, consider hiring a personal trainer. When it comes to your health and fitness, knowledge really is power, so you can learn all about eating right and working out properly by taking a class or working with a professional. The encouragement and accountability that comes from having an outside source can help keep you on track and reach your weight-loss goals faster than on your own. If you decide that a trainer is right for you, check out certifications through organizations like AFAA (the Association of Fitness Professionals) or NASM (the National Academy of Sports Medicine) before signing up.
4) Start tracking your calories
One of your biggest hurdles with weight loss is all the misinformation about what you should and shouldn’t be eating. Unfortunately, weight-loss myths can cause people to feel discouraged or give up altogether when they don’t see results quickly enough. The answer is simple: Don’t fall for fad diets! Be careful not to let your calorie consumption dip too low; most nutritionists agree that, if losing fat is your goal, you should stick with a daily intake of 1,200 calories per day—the amount of calories you need for healthy maintenance. Losing more than 2 pounds per week may indicate an unhealthy rate of weight loss that could lead to nutrient deficiencies, as well as strain your body physically and mentally.
5) Reward yourself for success
One of the reasons diets can be so hard is that we set up unrealistic expectations for ourselves. It's important to remember that if you lose weight slowly and steadily, your body will have time to adjust and you will still see results. If you feel like you're taking two steps forward and one step back, try rewarding yourself for any progress—big or small. Even if it seems inconsequential at first, recognizing your victories will help reinforce healthy habits. Treating yourself with something small every time you achieve a goal can make all of those struggles easier to deal with along the way.