10 Tips for Using Your Fitness Tracker to Maximize Your Workouts


A fitness tracker can be an excellent investment for people who want to keep track of their health and improve their overall fitness level. It can count your steps, monitor your heart rate, track the quality of your sleep, and even notify you if you’ve been sitting down too long—all in the name of helping you improve your lifestyle habits. However, like any other technology, there are some tricks to using it effectively to maximize your results. Here are 10 tips on how to use your fitness tracker daily so that you can achieve lasting changes in your health and fitness level more easily and quickly than ever before.

1) Get Moving

The average person spends more than 90 percent of their day sitting. As you can imagine, all that inactivity is bad news for your body—and your waistline. One way to combat sedentary lifestyle is by increasing physical activity, which will help lower your risk of heart disease and keep weight gain at bay. You don't have to be an exercise guru or marathon runner, either. Even simple daily movements like taking a short walk during lunch or parking further away from your office building are helpful ways of getting more activity into your routine.

2) Have a Daily Target

Tracking your daily activity is a great way to stay on top of your fitness goals. Set a daily target with your fitness tracker and aim to hit it each day. Most trackers will notify you when you’ve hit a goal, but if yours doesn’t, keep an eye on how close you are throughout the day. Hitting at least 70% of your goal gives you a good baseline; higher than that and you’re likely going strong. If you miss it one day, don’t let that discourage you—just get back on track tomorrow! Over time, having targets will help motivate you toward future goals and toward better habits overall.

3) Record your Goal Progress

One of the biggest barriers between having and not having a goal is whether or not you've actually recorded your progress. Think about it, most people tell us they have goals but never share them with anyone. A lack of accountability is one of reasons why only 20% of people actually follow through on their goals according to research by Gail Matthews, a psychologist at Dominican University in California. But if you record your goals, either on paper or digitally then you're two times more likely to achieve them according to research by Dr. Karl Aquino at The Wharton School of Business at University of Pennsylvania.

4) Take a Step Back from Social Media

Social media is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Unfortunately, social media is also a great way to let your stress levels rise. If you use it frequently, take regular breaks from social media (maybe a week at a time) and focus on real life interactions. The more quality time you spend with people face-to-face, the happier and healthier you’ll be—and that will help you stick with your fitness goals, too!

5) Enjoy Life with Friends

Whether you just got a fitness tracker or have had one for awhile, it can be easy to forget that working out and staying healthy is about so much more than counting your steps. We wear our fitness trackers because we want to get fit and stay healthy, but don’t let technology control your workouts—make sure you still enjoy them! You should also make time for friends and other physical activity; after all, working out with a buddy can help keep you motivated and encourage you to push yourself harder. If socializing isn’t really your thing, try dog walking or joining a hiking group; there are plenty of opportunities beyond formal gym settings if an hour at the gym is not how you want to spend your free time.

6) Track in Water

If you’re a fitness tracker user, then you know one of its main benefits is being able to track your steps—which you can do whether you’re on land or in water. In fact, it’s even easier in water since all you have to do is wear your tracker under your swimsuit and it will automatically track every stroke and lap. You don’t have to worry about pressing buttons or doing anything; it just happens. Plus, if you prefer distance swimming, then a pool is an ideal place to track how many laps or yards you cover each time. It also helps keep track of how much rest time (or push-off recovery) is needed between efforts so that you maximize efficiency in your workouts.

7) Wear it at Night

It’s easy to get excited about a fitness tracker and think that you can use it right out of the box. But, as with any new device or exercise regimen, it’s best if you ease into things. Start by using your fitness tracker at least three times a week—and make sure that at least one of those workouts is high intensity. Set specific goals based on distance or speed (for example, run two miles in under 20 minutes). When you complete your goal, set another one. You’ll start seeing results sooner and won’t lose steam if you keep hitting your marks. And don't forget about cross-training: Keep an eye on metrics like heart rate variability and consider strength training as part of your overall fitness routine!

8) Aim For Your Goals

Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or something else, try to set a goal and aim for it every day. This will help you get into better shape quicker as well as keep yourself motivated! Plus, setting a goal gives you something specific (and measurable) to strive towards. Aiming just isn't enough—you need goals! A personal trainer can be great in helping you set fitness goals based on your needs and wishes.

9) Unlock Achievements in Games and Apps

Exercise is easier when you’re having fun. One way to have fun while also getting in shape is by unlocking achievements in games and health apps. These titles not only make you more engaged, but they encourage you to stick with it—and be healthier as a result. Some examples of health-focused apps include Fitocracy, RunKeeper, Strava, and Zombies, Run! A few easy games and fitness apps include Nike+, Foursquare’s Step-Off app that offers badges for walking certain distances and taking classes at local gyms; Pacer Bike works with an Apple Watch or an iPhone and tracks your biking history; yoga app Pocket Yoga displays instructions on your phone or tablet so you can practice anywhere.

10) Set Stretch Goals

It’s easy to understand why setting a stretch goal—exercising at a level that’s higher than usual—can help you crush your regular goals. When you push yourself harder, your body responds by becoming more fit and building more muscle. Still, if we asked you to set a high-level fitness goal right now, you might freeze up. That’s okay! You don’t have to do it all at once. Take small steps instead of making huge leaps—set smaller goals along the way so you can work up to bigger ones later on. Before long, you’ll be fit enough (and comfortable enough) with your fitness tracker that setting high-level goals won't feel daunting at all!

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