How to Make Your Diet Healthier


Eating healthier doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful, especially if you focus on small changes instead of drastic overhauls. These 25 simple tips to make your diet healthier are simple enough to incorporate into your routine in no time, but they’ll make a big difference in how you feel and how you perform. Within just three weeks, these 25 tips will make your diet better than ever, helping you lose weight and reach your health goals faster than ever before!

Drink Plenty of Water

In order for your body to work properly, it must maintain a certain amount of fluid. If you don’t drink enough water, or if you drink too much alcohol, your body could be dehydrated. Dehydration is never good; it can lead to fatigue and other issues. So, if you want a healthy diet and lifestyle, make sure you are consuming enough water every day.

Add Healthy Snacks in Between Meals

Finding a healthy snack when you’re hungry can be hard. You don’t want just any snack, though: You want one that will help you lose weight. To do so, it's important that your snacks aren't calorie-dense foods like cookies or chips (which might just send your diet off track). Instead, look for something with more protein and fiber—for example, an apple with almond butter or yogurt and granola—which will make you feel fuller longer than if you ate something less nutritious. If you're trying to lose weight quickly, opt for snacks with approximately 150 calories or fewer.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Start each day with a healthy, balanced breakfast that includes protein. When you skip meals, your body goes into conservation mode, breaking down muscle for protein and storing fat. So instead of skipping meals, make sure you’re giving your body what it needs in terms of quality fuel and energy. Eat lots of veggies: Eating more vegetables can help with weight loss because they are high in fiber, which helps prevent overeating. Veggies are also low in calories and they fill you up faster than empty-calorie foods like chips or ice cream. Additionally, veggies (and fruit) contain water so you feel full quickly even when eating fewer calories.

Eat Something Green with Every Meal

The easiest way to ensure that you’re eating a diet filled with nutrients is by filling your plate with as many colorful fruits and vegetables as possible. Studies show that people who eat dark leafy greens, like spinach and kale, have lower rates of heart disease than those who don’t. Add some broccoli or green peppers to sandwiches, salads, and pastas; fill your plate with stir-fried veggies; and try new recipes that incorporate these foods. Chances are if you take a closer look at what you’re eating (or not eating), making these changes will be easier than you think. As for what constitutes something green? Any veggie or fruit in any shade of green counts!

Keep an Eye on Portions

The easiest way to eat healthy is by keeping an eye on portions. If you’re eating out, consider splitting entrees with a friend or ordering two appetizers instead of an entrée. For larger servings at home, serve half your meal in a separate container and store what’s left for later. Before serving yourself anything else, ask yourself if you’re really hungry for more.

Stock Your Fridge with Healthy Options

You don’t have to go far. Get up from your desk and walk around every hour or so. Or, even better, go out for a short stroll around your office building when you have a few minutes to spare. Schedule in Sleep: Set aside time for sleep each night and stick with it, even if you're tired. Even an extra 30 minutes of sleep can make a difference; waking up earlier gives you more time during your day without being tired at all.

Write Down What You Eat and Do It Daily Section: Get Moving Outside the House

Studies have shown that walking burns more calories than jogging and running because you expend energy with each step. Not only does walking have a smaller impact on your joints, but it’s also easier to do for long periods of time. When it comes to burning fat and losing weight, distance is key! Walk at least 30 minutes every day, whether you’re at work or school or at home. Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time: The best way to plan your meals is by writing them down in a food journal. You should write down what you eat daily, but making a grocery list will help you stay focused on your goals throughout the week.

Avoid Fad Diets

Fad diets are tempting. They promise quick weight loss and clear-cut health results. The fact is, there is no such thing as a miracle diet. A diet that's too restrictive will set you up for failure; after all, it’s nearly impossible to maintain any strict regimen for a long period of time. If you want something sustainable in your life, skip fad diets altogether and instead focus on eating real foods—whole grains, veggies, lean proteins—in sensible portions every day. Check out our guide on healthy food swaps for more ideas about how to improve your meals without giving anything up at all.

Start Small, Be Persistent Section: Remember Why You Exercised in The First Place Section: Try Not To Judge Yourself for Breaking Motivation Section: Find a Fun Exercise Section: Find a Good Reason to Walk More Section: Sign Up for an Activity You Enjoy Even When You're not Motivated Section: Track your Progress/ Set Realistic Goals ... and remember, The reason diets don't work is because there is no incentive (for most people) to continue after you lose weight. If you can find a way to keep it interesting - continue at that level of exercise or eating healthy or whatever.

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