How to Lose Weight Fast (Even if You Have a Busy Schedule)


We’ve all been there before: we want to lose weight, but we don’t have the time to go to the gym and spend hours doing weight training or cardio workouts. Luckily, you can still lose weight fast even if you’re too busy for that kind of exercise schedule. Here are three quick tips to help you burn fat and lose weight faster even if you have a busy schedule.

Pick Something You Like

When it comes to losing weight, pick activities you like so that exercising becomes more fun. For example, if you really enjoy hiking, add walking on your lunch break or when you get home as part of your exercise regimen. If running is more appealing than lifting weights at a gym, go for runs with friends or at different times of day and focus on getting your heart rate up. Likewise, with dieting, experiment with new healthy foods—lots of veggies and lean proteins are great—but don’t force yourself to try things that aren’t enjoyable because then you'll be less likely to stick with them in the long-term.

Be Accountable

One of our most common excuses for not exercising or eating right is that we simply don’t have time. Try using an accountability app like Strava or Fitocracy to keep yourself honest and get yourself motivated by competing with friends. Whatever you do, just make sure you’re tracking your daily activity; without doing so, it will be very difficult for you to track your weight loss progress, see areas of improvement, and stay motivated to meet your goals. Remember: Accountability is key when trying to lose weight—and even more important when trying to keep it off. But how can you keep track of everything?

Enjoy Exercise

Not only will you enjoy exercise more if you listen to music, but research suggests that doing so may actually increase your workout results. In one study published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, male participants who rode an exercise bike for 45 minutes while listening to music saw their oxygen consumption decrease about four percent more than those who cycled without tunes. If you want to give it a try, pick up a pair of headphones that block out extraneous noise and turn up your favorite songs—not too loud—before working out. While listening can lead to better workouts by helping you push yourself harder, keep in mind that there are several types of exercise where talking on your phone or wearing headphones is ill-advised.

Learn to Love Fruits and Vegetables

If you're looking for easy ways to drop pounds, getting your recommended servings of fruits and vegetables every day can help you do it. Fruits and veggies are great sources of fiber and nutrients, they add volume to meals, and they’re low in calories. Plus, they help keep you full so you’re less likely to overindulge on less healthy options. Try adding fruit or salad at breakfast or lunch; when snacking on something between meals; or swap out high-calorie side dishes in favor of low-calorie veggies such as cucumbers or bell peppers.

Eat Before Going Out

Going out for dinner on an empty stomach can cause you to consume up to triple your normal calories, according to some studies. Make sure you eat enough before going out for dinner—or consider having just one drink with dinner so that it’s not all calories from alcohol. Also keep in mind that restaurant portions are notoriously large; ask your server for help in ordering something reasonable. And be careful about which beverages you choose when dining out—choose water or unsweetened tea instead of calorie-rich sodas and cocktails. Finally, steer clear of liquid meals such as smoothies and milkshakes that quickly add calories back into your diet! Some blended beverages have as many as 800 calories each!

Track Your Progress

This is one of those areas where exercise and diet can interact. Part of why exercise is so effective for weight loss is that it boosts your mood, improves emotional regulation, and reduces stress hormones like cortisol. Each positive change helps cultivate new habits that ultimately lead to sustained weight loss, Dr. Serani says. Exercise also helps you sleep better, which puts you in a better mood and staves off stress-induced cravings for junk food, she adds.

Don’t Skip Meals

Not eating regular meals is one of the most common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight. Skipping meals means you’re more likely to consume excess calories due to low blood sugar and boost stress hormones, both of which can make you feel hungrier and less likely to exercise. To ensure your metabolism stays strong, eat small meals every three hours. For example, have an apple at 9 a.m., oatmeal at noon, turkey on whole-wheat bread at 3 p.m., and tuna with vegetables at 6 p.m. This will keep your hunger in check without having an adverse effect on how many calories you’re consuming over the course of each day—which is really what matters when it comes to weight loss!

Pay Attention To Mental Health And Stress Levels

Exercise is commonly prescribed as a way of dealing with depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. And it makes sense: research shows that exercise can have an anti-depressant effect on people experiencing these conditions. The relationship between mental health and physical health is inextricable. However, there’s no need to see your psychologist and your gym trainer as adversaries—both offer important ways of relieving stress. If you don’t work out because you’re worried about how you’ll lose weight in time for summer, don’t beat yourself up.

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