9 Proven Tricks for Losing Weight


There are two types of people in the world: those who have lost weight and kept it off, and those who are tired of trying to lose weight but can’t figure out why they can’t make it work. This guide will teach you 10 proven tricks to help you lose weight and keep it off so that you’ll no longer be a part of the second group. The best part? All 10 tricks take less than five minutes each!

1) Set a Specific Goal

The number-one mistake people make when trying to lose weight is they set vague goals. I want to get in shape or I want to look better are great goals, but they're not specific enough. You need a goal that's measurable and concrete in order to motivate yourself every day. In fact, many experts suggest writing down your goal and putting it where you can see it every day—such as on your bathroom mirror. Your goal should be challenging but realistic; if you have a long way to go, break your goal down into small, attainable steps. For example, if you want to drop 30 pounds over six months, divide that into four seven-pound chunks—and then do it!

2) Drink Water Before Meals

Water, as it turns out, is one of your best allies when you’re trying to lose weight. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can slow down your metabolism and make you feel hungrier. Water doesn’t just fill you up, either—it’s also shown to increase thermogenesis in the body, which is a fancy way of saying it increases how much energy you burn. It makes sense: losing water weight typically means losing fat weight too! Best of all, it’s convenient (you probably already drink water) and completely free.

3) Eat Protein with Every Meal

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to keep processed foods out of your life. That means limiting your intake of highly-processed snacks and meals, like fast food, as well as things like frozen dinners and canned soups. Processed foods tend to be high in unhealthy fats and sugars that can pack on extra pounds. Not only will eating better keep you healthier overall—and prevent future problems like heart disease—but it may help with weight loss by keeping hunger at bay. Research shows those who eat 5-6 small meals per day are more successful with weight loss than those who eat less often or large meals only a few times per week.

4) Don’t Skip Breakfast

If you’re trying to lose weight, skipping breakfast will not help. Research has shown that eating breakfast is linked to lower BMI and improved health in general. Although you don’t need to eat a full meal at 6am, some simple food options like cereal or oatmeal are better than nothing. Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast tend to be heavier and have higher cholesterol levels than those who do not. They also have a harder time losing weight and keeping it off! So, don’t skip out on your morning meals—they can help you be healthier overall as well as reduce weight gain.

5) Stay Away from Processed Foods

You might think that packaged and processed foods are convenient and nutritious, but they’re actually often less healthy than their unprocessed counterparts. Some studies have shown that people who eat a lot of processed foods have higher BMIs than those who opt for fresh ingredients. Choose fresh whole food whenever possible, especially when it comes to meat and dairy products (since these are some of most highly-processed foods in your diet). Remember: just because it's served at a restaurant doesn't mean it's automatically a healthy choice!

6) Eat Low Carb for One Week

Yes, going low-carb can be a good short-term strategy if you’re looking to drop a few pounds. But its long-term effects are no better than any other diet. In fact, in a 2014 study in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers found that after one year of adhering to a low-carb diet or a low-fat diet, those following low carb had higher rates of death and heart problems than those on low fat! The findings suggest that calories matter more than macros when it comes to weight loss. A calorie is not just a calorie!

7) Eat More Vegetables & Fruits

When you’re trying to lose weight, many people stop eating meat or cut back on it significantly. This is a huge mistake and will only hurt your progress. Vegetables and fruits are some of our best sources of micronutrients and antioxidants, meaning they can protect your body from free radical damage. They’re also high in fiber which helps keep you full. Try to eat veggies and fruits at every meal (including breakfast) whenever possible, especially if you find yourself losing steam after lunchtime.

8) Strength Train 3 Times Per Week

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s harder than you think. Try three weight training sessions per week and see what happens to your strength, tone and fitness level. By starting slow, you can incorporate more muscle groups at a time — rather than overtraining and fatiguing yourself so quickly that you give up after just one month. The less muscle mass you have, the more calories you need to eat every day in order to lose weight; with that in mind, don’t assume that because muscle weighs more than fat, it’s always going to be harder to lose.

9) Walk After Meals

Studies show that those who walk after eating are more likely to lose weight and keep it off. When you eat, your body digests food and releases insulin, a hormone that stores excess energy as fat. By walking right after a meal, you can potentially reduce insulin levels and increase fat-burning enzymes in your body. You don't have to go on long walks—even just five minutes of walking will help you burn calories without feeling like you're working out. (For more great tips from best-selling fitness author Tara Stiles, click here.)

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