5 Best Foods For Healthy Teeth
Do your teeth need to be healthy? Yes, it must be one of the most important things to pay attention to. Your daily meal contains many things which cause damage to your teeth and gums in the long run. Junk food and spices mainly contain salt and sugar; on eating them, debris sticks to your teeth. The debris causes acids to build up, cover the surface of your teeth and causes tooth decay and cavities.
The solution to this problem is easy, change your diet. Adding healthy and good food to your diet can protect your teeth from any damage. To know, what is best, read these 5 best foods for healthy teeth.
Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are called powerhouses. This name is suggested because of the presence of loads of vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, and D. These nutrients support not only your body’s overall bones but also your teeth and provide strength to your teeth enamel. Its Vitamin A helps maintain the mucous membranes and soft tissues of your gums and ward of cavities. In addition, it maintains protein keratin that helps to promote the formation of tooth enamel.
Crunchy fruits and vegetables
Crunchy fruits and raw vegetables are also known as Dental detergents. Carrots, apples, and celery help you clean plaque from your teeth and freshen your breath. They increase saliva production. Saliva removes the food particles, kills bacteria, cleans the mouth, and ultimately lessens the risk of cavities. The high amount of fiber in apples and carrots, Vitamin A and C in celery benefits your gums. Antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin C in many fruits and vegetables, prevent cell damage, thus protecting your tissues and gums. It can also prevent bacterial infection.
Green, Leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables offer a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain your healthy teeth and gums. All green leafy vegetables, you can call them superfoods, like spinach, kale, lettuce, bok choy, and broccoli, are rich in vitamins and minerals. Spinach has a massive amount of vitamin A, vitamins B2 and vitamins B12
These vegetables offer high amounts of calcium and folic acid, which affect your oral health, strengthen your teeth enamel and protect your gums from various diseases. People take these green leafy vegetables as a supplement in salads and sandwiches. They are the perfect food for your healthy teeth.
Cheese is another important food for healthy teeth. Cheese has low sugar and high calcium, so it helps maintain bone density. Cheese also contains casein, a protein that helps in fortifying tooth enamel. High phosphate content in cheese also helps preserve tooth enamel by balancing pH levels in the mouth. Moreover, on chewing cheese, saliva production increases in the mouth, thus helping to wash away bacteria from your mouth. Less harmful acid in the mouth means no or fewer cavities. So, what else do you need?
As you know, many bacteria in your mouth cause tooth decay and gum disease. Then what do we do to prevent these bacteria from harming our teeth? The researcher's answer is simple, eat onions.
Although eating a lot of raw onions causes bad breath. So, brushing, chewing gums, and mouthwash is a simple solution. Some people don’t like to eat raw onion separately. For them, eating them in salads and sandwiches is a permanent solution. But the question is, why is onion necessary to eat?
The reason for the taste and smell of onion is the sulfur compounds. These sulfur compounds help onions in their growth and protect them from bacteria.
In addition to sulfur, onions have antibacterial and antimicrobial compounds. They protect your body from diseases and strengthen your teeth and remove every harmful bacteria from your mouth.
According to doctors, 2 to3 minutes of chewing raw onion can kill bacteria, even protecting your teeth and gums from 4 kinds of damage-causing bacteria.
So, these are the 5 best foods for healthy teeth, add them to your diet, so they keep your teeth, gums, and body healthy because health is wealth.